Allseated’s Virtual Event Platform, exVo

Are you in the real world or the virtual? Allseated’s latest innovation, exVo, is a virtual event platform that creates parallel worlds that are hard to tell apart!


Allseated’s latest innovation, exVo, is a virtual event platform which brings the live event experience to virtual conferences by offering an innovative and unparalleled experience for networking and engagement in the virtual world.


exVo, the virtual event platform, allows you to create immersive, fully branded experiences with features to keep audiences completely engaged. Virtual conferences and events that are held in exVo offer an intuitive experience that allow everyone to do business the way they already know how to – the human way.


As a virtual event platform, exVo empowers conferences and events to have unparalleled interaction between virtual attendees, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors. The virtual event space feels real and adds a level of excitement for attendees, allowing them to navigate and explore as they like – virtually!


Attendees are true participants and not just passive consumers of content. It’s easy to enter meeting rooms for breakout sessions, listen to keynote speakers in large halls, and meet with colleagues while making new connections too – networking opportunities are endless and easy.


The platform is an excellent solution for conferences being held virtually in order to offer an immersive and engaging experience in the virtual event space. The virtual event platform removes the stigma so often associated with virtual conferences as the virtual event space feels natural to attend and easy to navigate with the ability to fully interact and network with others.


Easy Navigation

Using an avatar, attendees are able to move around the space and experience the conference in the same manner as they would at an in-person event, even though they

are virtual. The easy and natural interaction between virtual attendees, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors immerses everyone at the conference to feel truly there and connected.


What Attendees Crave

exVo brings everything attendees crave from virtual conferences including something new and different with a variety of session styles, natural networking, fun engagement, and easy log-in and navigation.

Audience Engagement

Since audience engagement is the key to a successful conference, exVo has features that transform attendees from passive listeners to active participants to enable natural conversations and connections such as:

● Video chat

● Q&A opportunities

● Interactive demos and content sessions

exVo was built specifically to answer all the challenges that result in virtual conference fatigue including the need for increasing registration and attendee engagement, dynamic networking, intuitively easy to plan and attend, and ROI for exhibitors and sponsors.

“With exVo’s capabilities, once attendees are in the event spaces within exVo for an event, they can start networking with each other easily. The video chat features make it a more user-friendly, tactile experience.” – Learn more about exVo from Kristin Banta in this article.

Branding & Customization

From a branding and customization perspective, opportunities for creativity are endless. exVo allows sponsors to include their logos and branding designs in an endless variety of locations throughout the environment. It’s easy to feature brands and sponsors on booths, panels, banners, live-stream video, pre-recorded content, and more.

“Because exVo is an entirely immersive experience, much like a video game, it compels guests to stay involved. It’s a virtual world that runs completely parallel to the real world. The big difference with exVo is that it legitimately satisfies all the goals of a live event. It can be impactful, engaging, memorable, and can completely represent your brand, products, and messaging. Every opportunity that a sponsor or stakeholder needs to be involved in exists within the platform.” – Learn more about exVo from Dave Merrell, AOO Events in this article.

Easy To Use

And maybe most important, exVo is easy to use. With a game-like interface and design, all attendees, regardless of tech know-how, will be able to navigate through the experience. Anytime there is a question, exVo is supported by exceptional 24/7 live chat support, leaving all involved in a conference supported at all times.

“exVo is as close as we can get to seeing each other in person. It’s fun, it’s innovative, it’s a good time.” AMANDA HENDERSON, ILEA

Allseated’s innovative virtual conference platform exVo is the next generation of Expos, Meetings and Events, tailor-made for today’s reality with both in-person and virtual attendance. exVo is a virtual platform that allows you to create immersive, fully branded experiences with features that keep your audiences engaged.

exVo is the best virtual event platform as it brings the live event experience to virtual events. Networking is easy and natural, customization and branding opportunities are endless, it’s incredibly easy to use, and attendee engagement is extremely high.

The innovative platform of exVo provides an immersive event experience and helps expand reach, provides incredible ability to network, and keeps attendees fully engaged through interactive capabilities.

With Allseated Vision, it’s incredibly easy for venues to now sell their event spaces virtually while allowing clients to visualize events at their venue. Allseated Vision venues are able to showcase their event space in a photorealistic RealView across multiple platforms. These platforms include desktop, tablet, mobile, and VR headset. This provides enhanced interactive visualization for client experience and the ability to close more business by virtually transporting clients to their event space no matter where they are in the world.

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